Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of common questions we are asked regarding PolySpine. If you have additional questions, please feel free to get in contact with us and we will be happy to discuss any queries with you directly.

Is there any way I can be involved?

If you think PolySpine might mean something to you, we would love to hear your story or ideas. We always love to hear from the community.

Is PolySpine available for me to buy?

Yes. In Australia we are now an NDIS provider.

How does PolySpine work?

There is a spinal piece and head support that attaches to a supporting vest, so that someone is able to wear it. On the back of the spinal piece, we are able to attach various PolySpine attachments. Each attachment enables people to participate in new activities. For example, our chair attachment is designed to fit to many chairs, whilst supporting someone wearing PolySpine.

Who can use PolySpine?

Anyone who requires additional head and torso support.

What is PolySpine?

PolySpine is a modular, customisable supportive exoskeleton for people with moderate to severe physical disabilities. It provides core and head support to users with physical disability so that they can participate in rehabilitative and recreational activities outside of their main wheelchair or accessibility equipment.

How did PolySpine start?

The Polyspine concept and design is the brainchild of co-founders Clint and Riley Saban.

Riley is an active young man with Cerebral Palsy (GMFCS IV), presenting with spasticity and dystonia and has been the driving force behind this project.

Their personal lived experience combined with a real understanding of the problem at hand, has led to a brand-new way of thinking and will create new life experiences for many individuals around the world.